One of our TFM Members is organizing a concert to benefit Tucson’s Community Food Bank.
Dear Musicians,
I’m organizing a concert of chamber music that will benefit Joseph’s Pantry, a branch of the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona. Instead of buying tickets, audience members will be asked to bring nonperishable food items that will be donated to Joseph’s Pantry.
If you would like to donate your time to perform, please let me know. It would be great to put together a variety of pieces on the program, so if you have anything at all that you would like to play, that would be wonderful. Ensembles of up to 10 are fine, and solos are fine as well. You can play an entire work (nothing longer than 30 minutes), or just a short movement. Other than that- play anything you’d like!
The concert will be on Monday, December 15th, at 7:00pm at Grace St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Please let me know ASAP if you’d like to perform!
I would be so grateful to have your support in this endeavor. If you don’t want to perform, it would mean a lot to have your presence in the audience and your support as I try to spread the word about this benefit concert. I will send along some pdfs with all the concerto info shortly, and if you spread the word to your friends, students, and other musicians, that would help so much.
Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving!